Not sure if that was a good move. The default algorithm just ramps up way too slow or just doesn’t reach the necessary frequency for anything that doesn’t replicate continuously. I’d assume a lot of people being clueless to why their stuff acts like they’d be playing on 1000 ms latency.
This is a great release, I just wanted to say thank you to Epic for making such a great versatile game engine. I have been creating a lot of great tools for our clients with just using Unreal Engine and we have wowed many our clients.
To change gears, I’m currently working on an android base project that requires me to access the SDcard or external drive of the phone ( Client Request ) but I’m running into a bit of a wall. I have been researching quite a bit and from what I understand that android requires a permission xml code to gain access to the read and write part of the android which is understandable ( User security ). I did see the new UE 4.16 update that you can now use Blueprint to run the permission commands? I’m curious to know how would this work? before I go into the coding of modifying some codes in C++ into Unreal Engine’s Android’s build which most people have suggested when I was doing some research.
The link above is currently the most promising answer I’ve got but I haven’t done so yet and I was hoping UE 4.16 has a new way of accessing the sdcard without changing the source codes. thank you-
Yeah I had to add a bunch of default MinNetUpdateFrequency settings to my plugin and warn users that they need to set it now.
Default value of down to 2 times a second will show major hitching with bReplicateMovement and 500ms delays on things that haven’t changed in awhile unless ForceNetUpdate is used.
Awesome! I’d love to be able to toggle it as default but I’ll take what I can get, thank you!
I’ve got some issues with my project moving from 4.15, 1st i can no longer package it, it gives me 120 errors and no details about them in the log and it packaged fine in 4.15, 2nd issue there is server to client connection lag when testing on dedicated mode the delay from server to client can be counted in seconds, in 4.15 this issue wasn’t there. thanks
Please report this properly on Answer Hub.
The lag is because of net.UseAdaptiveNetUpdateFrequency being defaulted to true in 4.16, you’ll want to either turn it off for now or start setting MinNetUpdateFrequency on every replicated actor other than the default of 2 times a second (unless they don’t need to update often).
Ah thanks for the info will look into it, and ill report my cooking issue on the anwser hub.
That why you just right click and select straighten for the wire and reroute pins, mite be a extra step but makes you nodes look cleaner.
Oh sh*t, it works… I always thought it’s meant to put nodes in line - if somebody is messy and doesn’t like to do it manually.
So… all nodes can be beautifully aligned. It’s just sometimes doesn’t work if you do it manually? Mhm…
It would be really nice to fix manual alignment. It’s super annoying if you’re used to write code in any text editor and you have to perform extra actions to make graph super readable. Managing look of graphs is currently something that take to much of our time. I’m perfectly aware it’s very difficult to make blueprints as hassle-free as text editor.
Any change would be noticed and much appreciated
Please steal ideas form Houdini 16 graphs.
Is it possible to switch this big icons off? Maybe for a textures and Blueprints they are useful, but for levels and data assets i don’t see much need.
Thank you for adding the StringTable as an asset. But it does not work well when you package your game. The stringtable asset is not cooked. :<
see What is a string table redirector? - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums
Yay! Thanks for all the hard work, guys!
Awesome update
Great release, it’s nice to see all these various performance improvements as well.
I have a question about this "Detect Material on Mesh Surfaces” feature. Would it be possible to create a setter version of this function? Or one that returns the material index? It would be useful for changing the material of meshes with multiple materials.
I’m looking forward to playing around with the volumetric fog when I get to creating a weather system for my game.
Keep it up, and thanks for letting me realize my dreams of game development.
Can I use NvCloth Solver on AMD hardware?
Is there any info on any changes to config files for shipping builds?
Also some clarification on how to encrypt the .pak files would be great, there is no information on how to do this with the Project Launcher and it has no encryption options,
and the encryption.ini does not exist, nither does any information on how it should contain the needed encryption key.
Could we got a little more QA love while implementing quality of life improvements, please?
It’s so great to finally be able to get reference to input variable of blueprint function, but… I just tried to use it and encountered really basic issue…
Also… it would be great to display these input variables in Local Variables section of My Blueprint tab. As originally requested.
Really, there are just few global and annoying issues in blueprints. Issues which makes you cry “why can’t it simply work? as easy as in text editor?”
Another issue is organizing functions and event graph. As mentioned here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-6936)
I truly appreciate recent quality of life improvements. Working with blueprints is becoming more and more pleasant
Sometimes it’s just difficult to enjoy them if these improvements are often partially implemented, quickly tested and marked as “Done”
How to add cloth assets in the new clothpaint editor? Is maya still required with some nvidia plugin or does it work with any mesh? If not, is it possible to use Houdini to make cloth assets?
Hi, guys. I’m experience some odd situation with foliage LOD based on Screen Size settings. I’m coming from 4.14.3.
In 4.14, the Screen Size settings that I manually set for my foliage always behavior the same way both for static meshes and foliage/grass system:
(static mesh actors on the left, foliage instances on the right)
Now in 4.16 (actually in 4.15.3 too) the Screen Size values not only behavior differently scale-wise (which forces a manual adjustment when migrating content) but also behaviors differently between Static Mesh Actors and Foliage/Grass system. It looks like a different scale is being used on each case:
(static mesh actors on the left, foliage instances on the right)
(notice how LOD 1 Screen Size 0.9 makes it start appearing way sooner when it’s a static mesh compared to foliage painted instances)
(A smaller Screen Size for LOD 1 makes it start to appearing farther from camera for the static meshes - which makes sense - but barely affects the foliage instances)
(bellow 0.5 it starts to affect the foliage instances more and more and they eventually match the static mesh actors LOD 1 distance far away from camera)
I design my foliage with LOD 0 being optimal for a really short distance (nothing more than 3~5 meters from camera). 4.16 is killing the performance on my foliage scenes because it looks like something is forcing Foliage/Grass LOD 0 to always populate something around a 10~15 meters from camera no matter what Screen Size value I use. Is this a bug or it’s supposed to work like that (for some reason I didn’t understand)?