4.14 Steam Integration Instructions

What are the current instructions for integrating and deploying to Steam?

I’ve looked on the wiki and a handful of tutorials. Some of them have been edited since they were originally written to say things such as, ignore this step if you are on version 4.10, but it’s completely confusing. Now that Steam is a plugin it is unclear which if any of the sdk files we are supposed to copy over into the cooked folder.

There are several build options. Right now I am just building windows single player. I created the depot on Steam and have the AppId. I edited the depot and app files in the sdk to point to my cooked project, I can run the build and it says it’s complete. There is a large file in there when done that is about the same size as my cooked folder, 3 gig so I know it put the files together and moved them. But, it’s not on my depot on steam, as well there is no overlay hitting shift + tab when playing.

It works through the Steam Client now, download and play, with overlay. I missed a step in configuring the build on the SteamWorks site and got a build published.

I did copy the other 3 .dlls into the Win64 folder. steamclient64.dll,tier0_s64.dll, vstdlib_s64.dd alongside the one that UE4 Editor put there, steam_api64.dll

this is not working for me ;(

yeah I am having problems as well. I have been able to do it in 4.11 but now that I am using 4.14 it has changed. I have enabled the Steam plugin via the editor