I have a problem when I try to fill in for TVOS, I had already pointed out this problem in version 4.10, but it continues to persist. I was told that the provisioning profile was wrong, but I found that there is an error in the Info.plist file located inside Saved / StagedBuilds / TVOS the item Build Identifier is reported com.YourCompany.BeeRoll while in the IOS Folder entry is correct. On iOS, there are no problems and both are correct license
Hi Smoky Minds,
As was stated when you reported this for UE4.10, if you are on a Mac, packaging will work in our Binary version of the engine (from the Launcher downloaded from Epic -not the source version from GitHub.) If you’re developing on a Windows system, you will need to remote sync to a Mac in order to sign it.
Please double check again that you have the Apple TV development provisions and certificates installed. Also, here are a couple of links that address the error found in the log from your previous post:
Common Code signing issues and Upload tvOS builds
I’m using a Mac and Launcher version. I don’t have any problem with deploy for iOS
Please provide the output log generated when packaging for TVOS.
Output Loglink text
I renewed expired certificates thinking they were the ones the problem, but now the same problem appears deploying on iOS!
In your project settings, you must have the single correct certificate match the specific, individual provision for that specific project (This goes for iOS as well as TVOS).
In the editor project settings for iOS there are two lists at the top, one is the signing certificate and the other the provision. There are check boxes next to each certificate and provision. Make sure to select the one you want to use for that specific project.
I have created two mobileprovision for each version. The same problem happens if deplying on iOS
The image above shows your provisions and certifications but not your bundle identifier. Make sure your bundle identifier is correct, if it is not, and post a screenshot showing your provisions and certifications and including the bundle identifier.
I am attaching the screenshot with the data that you’re asking. In the meantime I tried to Xcode to remove and re-download the mobileprovision and now I doing deploying another mistake, I am attaching the log!
This is a setting screenshot
Now I try. IOS can make deploying, and the operation goes successful
Since we are going into the weekend I did some research from past issues that where getting the same error you are getting which is: The app could not be digitally signed because the signing key is not configured.
As mentioned previously, this is likely an issue with the Bundle Identifier. In addition to the screenshot, please look in Engine/Intermediate/IOS for UE4Game-Info.plist and tell me what the CFBundleIdentifier is in that file? Does it match your project settings? If not, deleting the Intermediate and Saved folders should correct this as the project will use the Bundle identifier designated in your Project settings.
An older issue leading to this error was when the engine would do a validation check before allowing File|Package. The engine was not re-generating the plist file for use by the validation pass and so it read an old out-dated file (or worse didn’t even find one) and failed the validation.
In case this is reoccuring, go into Engine/Intermediate/IOS and put the correct bundle identifier in the plist which resides there. If you don’t find a plist there, then check the ProjectDir/Intermediate/IOS directory for it.
Another older problem that occurred was that the certtool could not see the signing certificates in the System Keychain, but could in the Login Keychain. If this issue has re-occured, if your certificates are in the System Keychain, that might be the problem.
The IPP uses the certtool to find the signing certificate that is referenced by the provision which matches the game bundle identifier. If it is failing this means one of three things: 1) The provision that was found doesn’t have a matching signing certificate, 2) the matching signing certificate has expired, or 3) the signing certificate that is referenced by the provision doesn’t match the game bundle identifier.
Lastly, make sure wifi is not on the device you are launching to.
I tried your procedure of Engine / Intermediate / IOS the bundle identifier is correct, in fact I can genereare the successful .ipa. While on Engine / Intermediate / TVOS com.YourCompany.BeeRoll appears to me, I tried deleting UE4Game-Info.plist, but when I recompile displays the same error and regenerates the wrong .plist
Does this only happens with the distribution certificate and provision? Please try it without distribution certificates and provisions and post your results.
Unfortunately I can try only in distribution mode because I do not have the USB type C cable to connect the Apple TV. But if I compile for iOS, I don’t have any problem
You do not need to deploy -just do the package step with a development certificate and provision.
Hi Smoky Minds,
Since we have not heard back from you in a while, we are marking this post “resolved” for tracking purposes. However, if you are still having a problem packaging for tvOS, then respond and let us know what happens when you try to package with the development certification and provision and we will continue to investigate.
Re-contact you for the same error, Unreal 4.13.1. I did a test with another project by deploying both distribution that development. I am attaching the two screenshots, as you can see the BundleID is accurate and corresponds with the one created on the Apple site
And this is a log ![alt text][1]