Getting an instant crash when launching or packaging with Analytics Blueprint Library plugin enabled. I’m working on OS X 10.11.6 with 4.13.1 and I confirmed it occurs with a blank project also. It crashes on iOS 9 (iPad Air 2) and 10(iPad Air and iPhone 5s). I do get a black screen on the iOS 9 with the attached crash log. There are no crash logs in the app container. link text
I’ve narrowed this down further and without arm64 support checked I can get the projects to launch. Theses are blueprint only projects.
I seem to be having the same problem as this which went unresolved: Is it possible to build arm64 for iOS from non source build editor? - Mobile - Unreal Engine Forums
I’ve attached a log of the build command errors.
I had been using source but would rather use binary. I’ll try source of 4.13 and see if I have the same problem. This seems like it would be a major bug since you have to support arm64 on the app store.
Hey rckt25,
There are lines in your logs which tell me your project is dependent on arm64. Can you reproduce this in a new blank blueprint project and provide me with the steps necessary so I can get it to occur on my end?
Using the binary release would leave less margin for error and allow me to run an identical test. Also your device logs specifically mention that what you are experiencing is not a crash. ‘Exception Note: SIMULATED (this is NOT a crash)’
Is there a reason you have unchecked arm64 since you know it is required for the app store?
Let me know if you have further questions.
That log was from a new blank blueprint only project using the binary version of 4.13.1. I unchecked arm64 just to test. I really only need arm64 checked. Previously the binary version didn’t allow only the arm64 to be checked but 4.13 does so that’s why I was trying to move to the binary version.
The device log is what is created when I try launching the app on the device.
I uninstalled 4.13.1 and installed 4.13.2 and I get a different error now. Here is every step of what I did.
- create new blueprint project
- change bundle name
- launch to ipad air with iOS 10 and it launched successfully
- enable Analytics Blueprint Library
- restart editor
- launch to ipad air with iOS 10 and it gets the attached error.
I’m trying to switch back to the source version to see if that will work but I’m having trouble compiling in xcode 8.
Hi ,
I was able to reproduce the issue from the Binary and have entered the following bug report: UE-37966. You can track the status of this issue on the following link:
I do not expect you will experience this when building from Source, however, be advised code signing has changed slightly in XCode 8, as described in the following link:
Migrating Code Signing Configurations to Xcode 8