4.13 Animation Features Part 2 - Sept 15th - Live from Epic HQ

Sorry for delay. For us, it has to be handled in anim graph because pose blender has to output the pose, so yes it is a bit different. But you could create pose blender node to have all weights exposed, and you can drive those weights via variables.

Thanks for the reply. So I figured out that you can right click on the Pose Blender node and convert it to Pose By Name which lets you drive the weight of a pose. It looks like you can only control one pose at a time though. Is there a way to reveal all the pose weights on the Pose Blender? Or do you have to create a Pose By Name node for each pose?

That is an extended version of the future pose blender. Right now, pose blender will control the weight based on curve input coming from source. So if you have animation with curve it will handle it. We have a plan to do this - exposing weight for all the curve, but right now it’s not high priority. We’re adding curve node, so you can use that node to push the value. What exactly do you like to do? You can create a node that can output the curve you want, and that can animate the curve?