4.13.1 Hotfix; can no longer place characters

I can no longer place characters in my levels I get a anti symbol with no explanation

Hi ,

I attempted to reproduce this on my end but thus far have been unsuccessful.

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • What steps can I take to reproduce this on my end?
  • Is this only affecting a single character or is it any character?
  • Are the characters blueprint or c++ based?

It was a clean project with sound assets added to it. The only thing I put in the level was a couple of destructible walls.

The AI agents are blueprints and worked fine before the hotfix
It appears that the hotfix after looking at it closely broke my entire AI system.
I suppose I will just go back to 4.12 I am done with this sort of issue it has happened so many times with new versions and “Fixes” that I have lost about 4 months of work just downgrading and upgrading since 4.1 with new versions and ‘fixes’.

I don’t know why I can’t actually place my AI that was working fine before the hotfix. It allows me to setup completely new AI characters…

It think the real issue is the anti-symbol and the bp not being able to be placed in the level without explanation that makes this well… make me just want to give up 3 years of development. I am sure this issue isn’t a bug it’s a feature

Are you able to tell what specifically in your AI character broke? Are any other characters broken, such as your main player character? Try opening a brand new level and just try to place the character with no other assets, does this work? What about if you add a navmesh bounds volume? Do you have a sample asset this is occurring with I can take a look at?

The errors are just issues in the bp system. Apparently they changed some things without actually putting it in the change post on the forums.

My behavior component is broken and the environmental queries. Basically every bp involving the AI characters is now having issues. However I am not even getting the such and such bp has errors are you sure you want to load. It just gives me that anti symbol…

Like I said I am too tired to deal with it. It has happened to many times. It seems like every 2 or 3 versions breaks everything. I would rather get my game out than sit around trying to update the entire thing every version because someone thought it would be a good idea to change a class and or function and not document it for the public.

Did you check through the AI and Behavior Tree listings on the 4.13 released thread to see if the changes you are seeing have been listed?

We do highly recommend remaining on one build for active development unless it is necessary to update for specific features or fixes. Updating does contain an inherent risk of potential breaks as code changes or updates can have negative effects on a project.

If you have specific information that I can follow to recreate this on my end I’ll be more than happy to attempt to reproduce this error.

Hi ,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.