Build Type: Binary from the Unreal Launcher
Build version: Version: 4.12.5-3039270
Detailed description of the issue:
The bug appeared in my custom project and is reproducable in a new clean project.
Please look at the attached image.
When using the Construct Object from Class-Node to initialize a Object with a struct-variable that has expose on spawn set, there appears a bug when splitting this struct. The value is not set. The variable gets assigned the default values.
When i connect the struct pin as a whole (not split), then it works fine.
Repro Steps
- Create a struct asset (STR) and add a variable
- Create a blueprint (ObjBP) with object as parent class
- add a variable of type STR to ObjBP
- Create an actor blueprint (ActBP)
- Add construct object from class node to ActBP (choose ObjBP as class, self as outer)
- split the struct pin on the node and enter some value
- print the value of the struct after the object creation, it will be the default value instead of what you assigned
The Issue has so far been 100% reproducable.