currently I have the following problem with the new 4.12.5 version. Every time I try to clone a static mesh within the level editor with “ctrl”+“c” & “v” or “alt”+“drag” it creates a new copy but the assigned mesh is empty. I’m also not able to assign the mesh afterwards from the content browser.
Sry for my crappy bug report. I played a bit with the projects and I found the error which are causing the bug. I had
my folder names setup like this:
If I add the “[]” into the folder name the static mesh isn’t set in the static mesh actor.
= What operating system are you running? =
Windows 10 Pro 64bit
= Are you using a clean project with no additional content? =
Tried both my game project as well a new first person project. If I rename the “Content/Geometry/Meshes” folder to “Content/Geometry/Meshes_[M]” within the clean first person project then the bug is reproducible.
= Are you using one of the default Cube or Sphere meshes included in the editor, or a custom mesh? =
See answer above.
Are you using a blueprint containing a static mesh, or just a static mesh?
This was just static mesh which I drag’n’dropped into the level.