4.12.3 says Git diff is fixed, but still broken

Updated to 4.12.3 a couple of days ago. Still can’t diff any Blueprints in diff.I’m not getting any error messages that I can see, I get the pop-up window about updating sources then nothing.

Hi Morat,

I tried using the Git plugin to diff revisions to a Blueprint, and it worked fine for me in 4.12.3. Do you see this only happening in your project, or does it also occur in a new test project? What changes are you making in the Blueprint, and how are you opening the diff window?


Looks like it’s an existing project issue, I was able to run it fine in a new project I just created. I’m running it by right clicking a blueprint and choosing source control → diff against depot.

I’ve gone back to the project I’m having trouble with and it seems that it works on some blueprints and not others. I can’t see any pattern to it - I have a folder with five or six blueprints and it works on some of them but not others. No error message, just the window never appears.

It looks like this issue was due to the depot version of the Blueprint being from an earlier minor version of 4.12.x than the current version. Some sort of internal changes in UE4 between those versions meant that it was unable to handle the diff output.

Once I committed the changes I was able to successfully diff anything new I changed.

Looks like committing changes before making minor version upgrades may be advisable if you need to ensure diff will be usable.

Hi Morat,

Thanks for digging further into this. I had not considered the possibility of there being an issue with Blueprint diffing across hotfix versions of the Engine. I’ll see if I can dig into this a little bit more and narrow down what is happening that prevents the diff from working. Do you happen to recall what previous hotfix version of 4.12 was in your depot?

Hi ,

It’s possible that the previous version in the depot may have been on the last version of 4.11, I’m not near my PC to check. It not that then it would have been 4.12.2.

Hi Morat,

I did some more testing with a project going from 4.11 to 4.12, as well as upgrading a project through several hot fix versions of 4.12, and was not able to reproduce any trouble with the Blueprint diff tool.Since it sounds like you have managed to get past this issue, I will go ahead and mark this post as resolved. If you run into it again, please don’t hesitate to add more information to this post and re-open it.