4.12.1 crash on compile


This is currently a known issue, UE-31740. This issue has been resolved internally, and the fix should be available in an upcoming 4.12 hotfix.

Have a great day

Most of my bp crashes when compiling. Had to trace it back one by one. I’ve only found one reproducible bug. Most of my bp has this so I can’t do anything now.

Create two bp(any). BP1, BP2
Create function on BP1 with ForEachLoop with connected vector or rotator array.
Create another function, cast BP2. with connected variable.
Compile BP2 and it will crash.link text

I’m also getting a crash on compile for one of my BP’s. I’ve tested my other BP’s and they are fine. unlucky for me this BP is my main character! so I can’t continue making mechanics til I resolve this :’(

is one of the errors you’re having “Access code violation” ?

I’m getting a crash every time I hit compile. It’s on everything, even if it’s already been compiled. It’s a 4.11 project(used to be 4.10) , now on 4.12.

When can we expect this to be pushed out?

this is fixed in 4.12 from the github i think (my clone of it works just fine). i have this bug on my release from the launcher too.


Please refer to the post linked below for additional information regarding this issue.

Have a great day