I’m having difficulties to test my project (Marketplace link) in 4.11 Preview 3.
My problem is, that when i press play in my project and drive the car some meters, the direction doesn’t matters, it will always just quit and leaving me without any error or log report, so i can’t see what was the cause of this behavior.
Here is the video: [Video][2].
Were there any updates you made just before this crash started occurring? In your logs I am seeing a reference to a .cpp. Do you have a particle trail attached in the level that could be firing? If so try removing this particle system and see if the crash occurs again.
No i haven’t made any update to my project before the crash started occuring.
I have 4 trail particle emitter attached to my car and this are the cars skidmarks, if i don’t let those fire the crash goes away.
Also something isn’t right with the cameras, because now i can see some serious shake/jumps on all of the 3 cameras.
How are you calling the particle systems? Most likely the camera issue is not directly connected to the crashes.
I’m just enabling/disabling it’s visibility, based on some factors, like speed, brake, steering.
Also i have wrote a PM with my project file, so you can take a look into that too.
I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-26105, to be assessed by the development staff. It seems that even simply opening the Tireskid particle system will crash the editor, though this produces a callstack. I would remove this asset from your game for now so you can continue moving forward. All other particle systems in the same folder seem to be working as intended.
I was able to solve this by recreating the particle system and it worked as it was before just needed to lower the particle count, though i discovered that if i use around 200 particle count on the ribbon data it will immediately crash the engine.