4.11 Preview 6: Unable to load module 'OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay'

Been unable to get GoolgePlayServices to work in my game, because I keep getting this error when I compile for Android ETC1:

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): UE4Editor-Cmd: LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module ‘OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay’ because the file ‘C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.11/Engine/Binaries/Win64/’ was not found.

I’ve got everything set-up otherwise with my app info, apis, etc. And the Win64 folder is definitely there. Not sure what would be causing it, or why it goes to the Win64 folder instead of the Android folder. Any help would be appreciated.

I have the same problem in 4.10.xx! Already made a thread, the login to google play dosn’t show up when you launch the game on your device? That is my problem, check out this thread :

If ever you find a fix, I would be glad to hear about it!

Good day,
