4.11 P5 Get World Delta Seconds not pausing

This should be an easy one. I’m not sure with what version this began, but searching for “World Delta Seconds” didn’t come up with this bug, so hopefully this is new.

The issue is this: the value returned for “Get World Delta Seconds” doesn’t appear to freeze when a pause occurs at a breakpoint. Manually pausing execution appears to work as far as I can tell, but pausing using a breakpoint causes “Get World Delta Seconds” to return a maximum clamped value of 0.4 seconds. If I select Resume in under 0.4 seconds, it returns less, of course.


The first image is the first breakpoint being triggered.

I then add a breakpoint before that one, hit resume, and get the second screenshot. I can get the same result with simply using the “Tick” variable breakpoint and resuming, just to be clear.

The point is this: from one frame to the next, and while using breakpoints, “Get World Delta Seconds” appears to not stop counting, which appears to be a bug.

I hope this helps.


I have reproduced your issue, and entered a bug report (UE-26825). Thank you for your report. I will provide updates on this issue as they become available.

Have a great day