4.11 broke my game

So literally everything my game is failing a map check and says it won’t be available at runtime. Is there an easy way to fix this?

rename folder 2 times

[orginalname] ===> 2nd name {load project} ===> again rename to [orginalname]

I have learnt the hard way to backup before upgrading a project to a new engine version. and use source control, and hard-drives die so backup to other drives.

I have this too and its annoying. I did backup,but using whatever version is on the hdd, what is going to prevent this error ?

What causes it ?

I get the renaming thing, but thats a hack and I don’t like it much for a supposedly professional engine.

is there a readme I missed, aiding in the avoidance of such errors ?

Btw, my upgrade was simply from 4.10 to 4.11, hardly a huge step.
