I’m on Windows 8.1 using 4.10. My Windows, graphics drivers, etc. are all up to date. I spent the past two days trying different things and researching this bug but the problem still persists. My problem is the exact same as this user -
only on Windows 8.1 and using 4.10. I have started new projects, deleted old ones, reinstalled the engine, and reinstalled the engine and launcher, but nothing has fixed it. I’m currently installing 4.9.2 to see if it works but obviously my projects I was working on are on 4.10.
It happened after I opened a new project under the advanced vehicle template. I was unable to open the blueprint to the vehicle, then I tried other blueprints and materials and I kept getting a blank window popping up. So I closed the project and went back to my previous one and it was doing the same thing.
Thanks in advance for helping me with this. I usually just find the answers myself and don’t resort to asking questions, but I had a hard time even finding a little information on this issue.