I’m having this issue with a Select node, where the other options are reporting errors when the script is executed.
Basically i have a Select node with 2 options looking at 2 different blueprint using CastTo set to Pure. And while I get the proper result, I also get an error “K2node_DynamicCast” for the other option.
In my script, i have a variable that is set as Blueprint X or Blueprint Y, depending what the player do. Then in my script, I check if that variable is X or Y, then Select the appropriate option.
I get what I need, but I also get an error from the other option. As if the Select is trying to validate all the options before choosing the one I asked it to look for.
- Select A or B
- Script tells to look at A
- A is successfully fetched through a Pure CastTo
- B reports an ERROR because of the invalid CastTo
- Now look at B, and it’s A that reports an Error
Now, I don’t know if that’s expected, but I find it very annoying as there are no reasons for it to check the unselected options. Is it a bug on my side or are other people experience this as well ?