[4.10] Select node will generate an error for the other options than the requested one


I’m having this issue with a Select node, where the other options are reporting errors when the script is executed.

Basically i have a Select node with 2 options looking at 2 different blueprint using CastTo set to Pure. And while I get the proper result, I also get an error “K2node_DynamicCast” for the other option.

In my script, i have a variable that is set as Blueprint X or Blueprint Y, depending what the player do. Then in my script, I check if that variable is X or Y, then Select the appropriate option.
I get what I need, but I also get an error from the other option. As if the Select is trying to validate all the options before choosing the one I asked it to look for.

  • Select A or B
  • Script tells to look at A
  • A is successfully fetched through a Pure CastTo
  • B reports an ERROR because of the invalid CastTo
  • Now look at B, and it’s A that reports an Error

Now, I don’t know if that’s expected, but I find it very annoying as there are no reasons for it to check the unselected options. Is it a bug on my side or are other people experience this as well ?


I am not really sure if i understand the question itself; would it be possible for you to provide a screenshot of your logic?

I’m having the same problem in UE5, in many cases, mostly inside components, the select show error for the other options, even if everything is working fine in the end it has error messages