4.10 installation failed with error R-1638

Uinstall all “UE4 Prerequisites” would resovle the problems.

Then, Install 4.10 through Epic Launcher will be OK.

error code R-1638 no fixsed!!

As others have already noted, this is a rather common problem that people seem to be encountering. I’ve experienced it myself, as well. There’s a couple things to check and do if you’re running into this issue, as outlined below:

  • Be sure that the version of Windows you are using is fully updated.
  • Head to C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games and be sure that the engine hasn’t already been installed previously. Delete any existing installs that might be causing a conflict.
  • Try and uninstall “UE4 Prerequisites” from the control panel.
  • Attempt to uninstall and re-install the launcher and download the engine.
  • Try and install “UE4 Prerequisites” manually, by accessing the exe here: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us
  • Remove VS 2015 C++ redistributable x64 and x86. You can reinstall them after you’ve fixed the engine issue.

It is likely that following these will solve this problem, as illustrated by others already. If you still have trouble, reach out to Epic.

You said it! I did the steps above and the R-1638 error gone~. Thank you !

Uninstalling the prerequisites from “programs and features” worked for me too. No need to uninstall ( :frowning: ) and reinstall ( :frowning: ) VS2015.

Not work !

This one… FTW. I’d tried all the steps in tattries answer above, along with suggestions from several other threads on this topic and kept getting the same error message every time. After doing this step - I finally got it to work.

If you go into your Process Tab Under Task Manager and End Process for the Epic Unreal Prerequisites x64 during the loading of the Prerequisites it will fix the problem.

Just give it a minute after you end it and the login screen will pop-up.

Still not working for me either and I’ve uninstalled EVERYTHING.

Hey Painkiller10011, Drakgoku, and num3ric-

Can you let me know what you’ve tried so far to fix this? Additionally, have you installed the 4.11 preview prior to installing 4.10? Let me know if JoshGuns’ suggestion of ending the prerequisites process in task manager helps.


Hello everyone,

I wanted to give an update that there is a fix for this issue in an upcoming update to the Launcher. For now it is possible to workaround this by opening the Launcher’s engine.ini file and add a skipbuildpatchprereq=True under [Portal.BuildPatch].


In Engine.ini

Again, this is only a workaround.


Not working here, it keeps getting overwritten and getting the same error.

I had the same problem trying to edit the ini but the answer in this question seems to do the same thing and worked for me:

uninstall netfrawork 4.5 too because prerequisites try to install netframework 4.0 and the system dont let downgrade the instalation!

Uninstalling Microsoft Visual Studio C++ didn’t work for me at first.

I, as described above, had to also run the DXSETUP application file located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\DirectXRedist

Once I did this, it launched correctly.