I am running into a bug where if i call
"set "
From the console, to a c++ class, i get a crash with an access violation.
It happens on anything i call.
This is a feature that works fine in 4.9.2, but after upgrading to 4.10 it no longer works.
In the event of a crash, please post the callstack that you receive as it can point us toward where the crash is occurring in code and it also allows us to look up previous/other instances of the crash. Can you please provide this for me? Also, when you say you’re calling “set” from the console, what are you calling set on exactly?
To make things easier i have replicated the problem for you inside the ShooterGameExample, and clicked on the “send” to send the crash dump. I hope this is helpful!
More info here. In order to get a callstack i started it from VS using the “Local Windows Debuger” option, and i dont get the crash.
However, close that, go back into the editor, click on “launch” repeat the same process, and i get the crash.
To confirm, are you only getting the crash when playing in Standalone or while launched? Does it ever occur while in PIE and does it ever actually crash the editor itself or just the game instance?
Thank you for confirming that, I’ve not previously used this console command so I wasn’t sure. I’ve placed a bug into our system under the number UE-24292. I’ll be sure to update you when any updates are made to this issue to let you know when it has been marked as fixed.
A fix has gone in for this issue now and was just put into the Master branch. This means that it is now available on Github if you would like to apply the changes to your source built engine if you’re using it. You can find the fix here: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/22e82ebeb53d8c32d99fd983e236c4bfe6fc4c98
Please be aware that this fix is lumped in with multiple others so be sure to read through the description to ensure that you want to use this fix.