3rd Person Zoom Camera

Hi. This is my zoomable camera setup.
i just added +/- 20point to SpringArmComponent’s Target Arm Length. I used basic 3rdperson project from engine.
Camera animation is not smooth, any tips for that?

Not sure if you found an answer or not since you posted this, but I think a Lerp may be what you need to smooth it out. So I’d look into that if you’re still working on this :slight_smile:

Though you could always use a number like 5 instead of 20, as it would be harder to notice the jumping. Though it would move a lot slower lol.

I am still working on this :slight_smile:

Here is my update.

Hold right mouse button to rotate cam setup / 3rd person cam tepmlate based)

Interesting use of the compare float macro!
To get it to be smooth, use the InterpTo function on a tick. I did it by creating a variable like DesiredCameraDistance and I add/subtract to/from it with the mouse wheel, clamping it between a MinDistance and maxDistance variable. Then, each tick it calls the InterpTo using the DesiredDistance as the destination and the current spring arm length as the current.

Hope this makes sense!

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For smoothing the Zoom here are pics on how I did this. What it does in every frame is checked for CameraIsZooming. This happens any time the Mouse Wheel is scrolled up/down. If we are zooming then go ahead and make any adjustments to the arm until the difference between Desired (mouse scrolled) and Current Boom Length is less than 2.0 units.

I use a Tick Event with a Sequence to update the camera each frame for these items.

  • Both Branches
  • Set CameraBoomCurrentLength
  • Set CameraBoomZoomDifference & Set CameraBoomTransitionValue

This is very adjustable to your personal taste.
Camera Min: 75.0
Camera Max: 600.0
ZoomValue: 20.0

Delta Event Seconds.png