However My controller does not have those properties on it, likely because it is an AController, and I believe I need an ACharacterController. However I don’t know how to do that. My current inheritance setup looks like this:
class AMyProjectCharacter : public ACharacter
If anyone know how to do this, please let me know. Thanks,
In any case, if this is a controller that the player is controlling, you should be using a APlayerController. The AController class is missing a lot of the APlayer specific properties as it is made as a base class for all controllers. It is also inherited by other controllers such as AAIController so it has only the basic functionality.
Without using a APlayerController, these functions won’t be available and this functionality won’t be possible.
Your character doesn’t own the controller, the controller owns the character. The controller that is used is dictated by your GameMode. You’ll need to change what your “Player Controller Class” is set to in your GameMode. If you’re using the default GameMode, you may not be able to do this. You can instead create your own GameMode blueprint and then set that as the GameMode in Edit > Project Settings > Maps & Modes and then change it to what you need.