Anyone know how I can access the max walk angle in the 3rd person C++ template?
I want to allow the player to walk up much steeper slopes, but making the player slower as he/she gets steeper.
Cheers all. Much appreciated!
Anyone know how I can access the max walk angle in the 3rd person C++ template?
I want to allow the player to walk up much steeper slopes, but making the player slower as he/she gets steeper.
Cheers all. Much appreciated!
The setting is located in the CharacterMovementComponent:
UPROPERTY(Category="Character Movement: Walking", EditAnywhere, meta=(ClampMin="0.0", ClampMax="90.0", UIMin = "0.0", UIMax = "90.0"))
float WalkableFloorAngle;
From within character you should be able to change it like this:
UCharacterMovementComponent * CharMove = GetCharacterMovement();
CharMove->WalkableFloorAngle = ...;
You can also set the value in your character blueprint, in the character movement component. Hope that helps!