Now searching the net and here having watched many UE4 videos, I cant find any that show me how to add a walk function to the character. I have gone through the Idle to run vids and still unable to add walk.
I’ve added an input for walk under the Input > Action Mapping and bind the key to Left Shift. I have tried to play around in the Character BP > Event Graph by adding an input > Action event > Walk then tried a walking speed Variable and hour later, I’m non the wiser. I must be missing something very silly here and Im hoping someone can
help me out.
Thank for your time.
you can use a walk animation in place of run animation and set walk speed to something lower like 300. if you don’t have walk animation change the rate of your run animation so it sounds like walking.
for something like walking or running there is nothing complicated just play with animations and conditions.
if you wanna be more familiar with UE4 animation graph I suggest you watch Twin Stick Shooter tutorial by Zak Parrish or his third person game tutorial.
you will be in the right direction of learning very soon.
and I also suggest you use joysticks instead of keyboards because using joystick you can see how speed increases gradually.
So is it just a simple case or adding a new animation rule then binding an input key when pressed I run and set my standard speed to walking. I just assumed as I had already gone through the idle > Walk > Run setup it would be a simple case of getting the walk as an input as then I move in game my character runs.
I found the below guide on UE and it does idle to walk and a jog state seprate, I’m hoping this is what I need
Will let you know and thanks