3rd person character Bounciness


i want the 3rd character skeletal mesh or the capsule from the 3rd person template to react upon physical materials so that it would bounce off the floor everytime it lands there after a jump.
I activated physics sim on the capsule component. But after that the character doesn’t react anymore to key inputs WASD. I can only rotate the camera but no movement input is received any longer.
I already thought about applying some force vectors in response to a collision volume but i want to keep things as easy as possible.
Any suggestions?

I think the easiest way is to do it with a collision volume and a force -> just set up an actor bp with the collision volume - get an onverlap/touched event from it - apply the force :slight_smile:

thanks. Was the launch character node especifically build for this type of application?

Dont know if it was especially designed for such stuff, but it should work when you use that node :stuck_out_tongue: