3rd person char shooting guns while riding horse?

Hello, new here.

I’m looking to have my 3rd person character to ride a horse or vehicle, while remaining completely same as when walking and shooting, EXCEPT the movement comes from the physics based car or horse instead.

The AI I have only follows a 3rd person player actor and if I fake the player that enters a car, the AI wont follow my physics based car.

This way I don’t have to code a new weapon system, if the shooting is same just like when walking and riding. Will this offset aiming or particles or something? I’d want the guy just glued to the vehicle and use the top body to shoot.

This might be too hard or I’m going at it from the wrong way, I don’t really know much so any input is welcome. Mostly looking if this is even possible? :slight_smile:

Normally characters have upper and lower body decoupled in different animation states.
it would be possible to attach to the saddle after root motion. Lock the lower half to a horse riding animation - where you probably want to have a somewhat rigid ragdoll pose and pysical animation to make it look natural.
while retaining the behaviour of the upper body as it was.
even if I find that to be a bad idea.
​​you must usually hold on to the rains/wheel, so horses/vehicles should all have their on state machine…

For this particular project holding reins/wheel isn’t needed. Player does separate animations for legs and body, so if its possible to just lock the lower half while keeping same blueprint, that’s great. Would I lock the player to a socket in the horse? I could even shrink the legs and pop in fake legs if possible.

Lock the root bone in place.
because you may want to animate the buttocks jumping up and down.