Hello, what I’m trying to achieve is a WoW like camera/movement system. I would like the camera to move and affect my characters direction while holding the RMB, but only to move the camera while holding the LMB, and leave my character movement unaffected. With the default 3rd Person project in UE5, I was able to get close to this by enabling “Show Mouse Cursor” in my player controller and then using a player controller reference and “Set Input Mode Game and UI” inside of my ThirdPersonGameMode.
Doing this made it to where I had free mouse movement unless I clicked, which would then hide the mouse and allow my to move my camera and steer my character. The only thing I’m missing is separating the LMB and RMB’s functionality, to where the RMB continues doing exactly what it’s currently doing, but the LMB stops affecting my characters direction.
See the first example for how it’s currently working, and the 2nd example for how I’d like it to work.