Hi, I have been struggling with this problem recently with the default mannequin 3rd person camera, I have scaled down the mannequin by simply set the capsule scale to 0.08. I can move the camera around with no problems but the problem is when something comes between the character and the camera the camera goes inside the character. So what have I done wrong? is it because of the scale or something else? please help me goes I looked it up found nothing. here are some pictures. note my character height is about 16 cm.
This pictue were taken with the camera under character’s feet.
Can you explain more please? I think I did what you said by placing my 3d person character on the level and scale it down
I think you might need to scale the BP as a whole. So you have the 3rd person character in the level and scale the whole BP.
Hey bro, thank for your efforts, I know by disabling the collision test the problem will go away but there is another problem which I think you are aware of is when camera go through wall and objects because of no collision test… is there any another solution you might have in mind?
So I put him in the level:
Scale the WHOLE thing ( just by typing .25 int the XYZ boxes:
This is him at .25 ( with a standard cube ):
Yes, when I get right up to the cube the camera goes into the body, but I don’t think you can have scaled down to .08. If I do that I don’t even see the character.
You might need to do some extra programming for the spring arm…
In the 3rd person BP, select the Camera boom and disable collision test:
Then I don’t think there’s a simple solution ( someone tell me if I’m wrong ), I think you have to write a follow camera that fits with your requirements…
Near Clip Plane has gotcha at 10cm!
Engine > General Settings > Near Clip Plane
Fixed!!! THANK YOU!