3dsMax Fab Plugin or Bridge back, for Christ's sake.

I’ve been using Megascans plugin in 3dsmax every single day in my worklife. Now Bridge isn’t working properly and FAB platform still looks like an absolute mess, with no direct link to any software except Unreal. We understand that when a product is first launched, many bugs and finetuning details are needed, however this major worflow change has a HUGE impact on professionals’ lives that rely on this service to get their job done.

1000% same here and its impossible to get any answers unfortunately, been waiting a week with no response (here and via email)

This is why when software companies release a new version of their programs / platforms they keep old versions available and online as to not disrupt any professional workflows. Fab has simply ignored all the rules here.


Exactly the same here. We need to keep our jobs with the same workflow. Why Epic Games play this way?. Worst decision ever.


I agree and I think we need also a Bridge for Blender and Houdini too! The Quixel Bridge also wasn’t updated for ages now to work properly on the software updates of other 3D software.


I have often used the Quixel Bridge program to export materials and objects to Blender. Creating a single platform for a large number of assets is great, but it can also be problematic when the old platform closes and everyone has to switch to a new, unfinished platform.


I’m pleased to see that I’m not the only one who’s very worried about the switch to Fab. Bridge really is a great tool for downloading and importing assets directly. Beyond this ease, in Bridge everything is already sorted, when we have to download assets from Fab, nothing will be automated, we’ll have to sort them ourselves, redo the materials etc… it’s a huge waste of time.
What’s more, the objects have improbable names, which is going to take up a huge amount of time that we’d saved with Bridge. It’s really a disaster to lose this tool. Please set up the same Bridge for Fab.