3ds max spline contraint camera to UE4.22

Hi All,
I have a series of 3ds max camera’s which are animated along splines using the path constraint in max to form a flythrough.
Anyone know of a way to get these in to UE with the animation intact?, I have tried into sequencer via the FBX import but the camera comes in with no animation.
Datasmith does not support animation as far as I’m aware.
I tried also baking/collapsing the constraint in max, but it does strange things to my camera targets. Possibly I have to import the splines only then reattach cinecam actor in UE?
I’m scratching my head! any advice would be appreciated, thanks

For animation constraints that aren’t supported when exporting, you need to bake the animation to keyframes. I’ve done this before but I can’t remember if you can just use the Bake Animation option in the FBX exporter or if you need to do that in 3ds Max beforehand.4