Hi guys,
I´ve got an annoying problem. I just downloaded the 4.8 mannequin for the 3ds biped setup. I also loaded a biped animation (simple pickup from ground anim) and it everything is great, except for the problem that the animation is rotated 180 deg and now is facing backwards . When I export animation and fit it into UE4, the animation is also “flipped/mirrored”.
Is there a way of rotating the animation either in max or in UE4 ?
I don’t know if this is the best solution to your problem but you can import skeletal meshes and animations and in the import menu enter 180 degrees in the yaw field. I’ve tested this and both come in reversed. However, I do not know how this will work in the long run as far implementing this into a game.
Thanks for your answer. I just tried the import setting and it … well it does something . Now my character does a funky 360deg turn, before playing the animation in the right direction. So my character is in idle state, facing “N”. When the animation montage is triggered, the character does a spot turn and then plays the animation facing “N”.
Never mind, I manged to rotate the biped in max.