I create blueprint camera to face and fallow my player but for 3d widget rotate based on player I don’t know what to do I cant handle what to do to make it work .
if you you guys look at my pic you see I want to use item pick up blueprint that inside have 3d widget work as world space .
I know how to rotate my 3d widget but I don’t know how to face it based on front or side or back of the player .
If I cant do this i don’t think I even can create enemy health bar.
you are right thanks for your answer .I didn’t said what I wants exactly .
Exactly I didn’t wants to show my widget base on screen I wanted based on world I had 3d widget with "find look at rotation " it wasn’t working . I had just add scene as parent of my widget and rotating my scene instead of my 3d widget and now its working find and I have item system pick up with 3d world widgets on top of my item that working with collisions overlap for hide and show 3d widget based on distance thanks.
thanks for your reply but the main reason I was asking for help was for not using screen .