3D Widget Interaction: Button Highlights But Can't Click


I’ve set up a 3D widget interaction and bound a controller button to “Press Pointer Key” with mouse left button clicking.
When I hover over my widget button, it correctly highlights as if selected, but when I press my button, nothing happens!
What might be causing this?


It can be some problem with the Collision Settings on the 3D Widget Component. Try and set it to Block All and see if it works.

It can also be something with the Widgets Visibility Settings inside the Widget. If you for example have a Text on top of your Button, the text should be set to “Hit Test Invisible”. If it is set to “Visible” the Hit Test from the Press Point Key may hit the Text instead of the Button. With “Hit Test Invisible” the Text will be Invisible for all interactions an bypass the Hit Test Ray in the 3D Widget Component to the widget next in the hierarchy.

If its not a collision issue as Alltvin suggests I have some questions that might help you track down the problem.

does it work when you use a mouse?

how do you know its not working?

do you have a method bound to the click event?

might be the binding…

Thanks for the answers!
Ended up being a stupid mistake on my part in which the pawn was not receiving the input event correctly!

could you please tell me how oyu fixed that? I have the same problem…

Also having the same issue, any help would be much appreciated

Managed to get it working, this is what i needed to do:

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Also had the same Issue. Solved it not with the “Press pointer Key” function.
On the Blueprint Component where i added the Widget, i set the “Receive Hardware Input” on the Widget Details to True.


Hope it helps someone


I’ve been trying to solve this for ages and this fixed it, thanks.

Same here, thank you!

This helps! Thanks a lot!

In my case, I needed to “fake” the click like VR projects do with controller input by default: