3D Widget Component Interaction Failure in Secondary PIE Window

I have been converting existing widgets into ones to be displayed in the game world via 3D widgets. Previously tested, fully working with multiple PIE windows for multiplayer connection and replication.

Now I have the main menu displaying on a 3DWidget component, on an actor in the world with “Receive Hardware Input” enabled.

The Problem:
If I try to Play In Editor with 2 players, just as I had when the menus were being Added to Viewport and working, the 3D Widget Component in the first window works fine and responds to the mouse. The one in the second window does not.

These two instances are not yet connected as a host or client, they’re both Standalone at this point. The 3D widget in the 2nd Standalone PIE window will not respond to mouse-over or click events, despite being identical to the first which is working.

If I disable “Run Under One Process” in the Advanced Settings for PIE, the second window’s 3D widget responds, but now I can’t test PIE Multiplayer since they’re not in the same process. The second window never sees the running Host, when previously session creation, search, and connection were all working.

What I Need:
I either need a way to have the second window’s 3D Widget function again while “Run Under One Process” is enabled, OR I need a way to test multiplayer connection between two instances on the same PC.

I have gone through the SpaceWar setup for Steam, gotten the Steam overlay to come up in a launched version, but cannot host and connect over Steam with two launched instances on the same PC.

My current alternative will be to toggle adding the widgets to the viewport again for further development and replication testing, but I would MUCH rather not have to leave world-space menu design to the end when I can get a second computer to test with.

In this image, I’m hovering over the Host Game button in the main menu, and it’s responding to being hovered by highlighting yellow.

In this one, I’m hovering over the same button in the second window, and it’s not responding. Nor does it respond to being clicked.

In both you’ll see a Line-Trace from a Widget Interaction Component in the player pawn. I thought it might be a functional work around, but and while it does seem to be printing the widget in question even in the second PIE window, it still won’t interact with the widget even though I have the Widget Interaction Component’s “Press Key/Release Key” nodes hooked up to the primary input (Mouse click) and have verified that the Pawn in question is calling those functions when I click.

Video Demonstration of Issue

Just tried using a Widget Interaction Component only, turning off the Receive Hardware Input on the 3D widgets, and while the Widget Interaction Component works, it works only in a single PIE. If I run 2 players in PIE, NEITHER works. :
Video Demonstration of Widget Interaction only attempt.

(post deleted by author)