3D Widget blurry and distorted [SOLUTION]

Hello guys!
I’ve been struggling for a long time because of this issue when using 3D Widgets and setting Post process and AA to the max setting( Epic ).

Basically I had this result while moving around, spinning and accelerating the Player pawn.

Then I found out that the AA was set by default to be “TemportalAA” so I set it to “FXAA” in the post process section of my Pawn camera or you can also do it on your PostProcess Volume and set it to UNBOUND.
Here’s the screenshot of the settings.


So The result was finally what I wanted.
Here it is:


For those looking at this in the distant future, this setting has been moved to the Project settings > Rendering > Default Settings > Anti-Aliasing Method.


For those still looking in the distance future, I was trying to solve this blurriness in an XR project with video streaming and video passthrough and couldnt solve it for a long time, never once did I think to change the AA from the HMD recommended settings to not be Temporal. I changed to FXAA and also tested MSAA and both solved my issue.

My project was in 5.3.2 so the issue carried forth.