3D Widget atached to player seen throu static meshes

I have a simple character with name. 3D Widget atached to character Blueprint.

All works awesome except 1 thing, it dont get unvisibile when blocked view by static mesh

How can I fix it, any clues?

Could use a trace on everytick to see if other player is visible. Then on is visible set the text to visible, and hide it when not.

I recall reading a thread about this sort of thing in the past, where you attached the text directly over the player character so it was in game world, not on the HUD… seems that would work.

If you would give me more concrete solution? Maybe just a lilbit?

Screen space is just one way to go, because world space is not suited for me, it have artifacts on text. and orientation issues.


BUMP plz need asap help)

Depends on what your situation is. There are a couple couple different options you can go with.

Bump plz) I really need some concrete ways to solve this at least point to them, links etc.

I am interested in any results, but haven’t had time to look into it, this looks like a good starting point:

