3D UMG widget transparency

Trying to create a 3D UI widget but running into issues when it comes to transparency.
If i have any transparency on an image which is included within the widget, it’ll either come out full colour or it will come out invisible, there is no in between.

For instance, this asset will show up as solid dark green up until about halfway through the fade, then it will just become fully transparent.


Similar problems also happen if a use a fully solid colour and have it lower opacity. Anything over 50% opacity is just solid colour and anything under 50% is invisible.

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In the blueprint that contains the widget, click on the widget component to expose its details, then check to make sure the Blend Mode is set to Transparent and not Masked.


Thank you! I was looking for this.

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That was really helpful. Thank you!

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Is it possible to set the blend mode in Blueprints? and not in the details panel.


mwbeene thank you! You helped me a lot

2021 - Thx

Love it, thank you mwbeene

Thank you!! I was too Frustrated.