Hello everyone,
I’ve been having an issue where it seems the text in UMG is not rendering all the way in. I have text bound in blueprints to change when an area is clicked However once the text is changed, it appears kinda faded. The only way to get it to stop looking that way is to drag the mouse over it that has a widget interactivity component attached. I’ve tried doubling the draw size and scaling down, but I got the same results.
I took a video of this happening: - YouTube
I would greatly appreciate any assistance on this.
I think a workaround would be to make a non-3d widget appear on screen when the camera is done moving onto the screen? I don’t think there will be any rendering issues like this if I do it that way.
I also did some additional testing and found that this does not occur when the scene is unlit. Perhaps this is they key to solving the problem?