I want to use simple, basic, 3d text like i see in every game demo, for titles, etc. Id like to be able to position them as an actor, and adjust translation, rotation, and scale, just like any other game object. I wish ue4 had something like TEXT-MESH like Unity does, If i have to create 3d text in another program, and import it into UE4, are there any suggestions as to which program is easiest to use? I just want to be able to choose fonts, type some text, and position it in my level…it seems like such a basic and simple thing, yet here i am asking for help. Any advice would be appreciated.
um dude just use the text function in the top right where you would see the volumes and basic building blocks for making levels it does everything you need
Thank you. I’ve been using UE4 for months now, and i never scrolled down that far on the “all classes” tab. Duh, is me. Face-palm.
I can’t find this anywhere. I can find a Text Render which is 2d, and a Floating Text which says it’s 3d but shows a 2d text and doesn’t have anywhere to enter new text into.
Am I missing something?
I can’t naither, where is that 3D TEXT?
If you cant find it, Just Search for Text and you’ll see “Text Render” Shalom.