Hi, I’m an 3D artist, I’ve been trying to make a side scroller game like Super Meat Boy except its 3D. I created 3 levels (main menu, level 1 and level 2) for my game just for experiment. Here is the video of the test:
So far I’ve done the main menu/pause screen/level select screen/game screen/option screen widget function, I haven’t done load game and the slider on the option screen widget yet. In the gameplay when I press M key the pause screen comes up, click on option button opens up option screen, however, the “back” button is supposed to go back to the previous screen (pause screen), instead it goes back to main menu. I know the reason why it goes back to the main menu, but how do I make it go back to the previous screen on the widget? Also when the pause screen comes up the game is supposed to pause.
In the level, there is a checkpoint, what it does is the player needs to reach it to complete this level, it opens up the level select screen allow players replay the previous levels or keep on going the next level, it also saves the game process (I haven’t done the save game part yet). So when the character touch the checkpoint it opens up the level screen which is working, however, the level is still playing in the background, I want to get rid off the level and game screen, only show level show screen. Please check the video above, it will explain the problems better.
It would be nice if any of you can help me out here. Here are some screenshots for my BP and widget button binding graphs.
Check point BP Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/ogpWt8q.jpg
Pause Screen Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/6cFCTxD.jpg
Main Menu Screen Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/PNbcOMT.jpg
Main Menu Level BP: http://i.imgur.com/be09ec8.jpg
Level 1 Level BP: http://i.imgur.com/a9JjiXe.jpg
HUD BP: http://i.imgur.com/wduTPS8.jpg