3D ray cast and pathfinding in pure Verse

Here and there weekends project. For now uses box only custom colliders (3 in the middle). The red and green lines is visualization of the collision structure (octree). Yellow is the found path


If you don’t mind, How are you detecting a “Hit” when you are casting your “Ray”?

Custom colliders are registered in a octree structure. Then I HDDA trough it from ray origin.

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This is great work! Is there a tutorial on how to build this?

No there isn’t.

Its very complex and require skill and knowledge in multiple categories. Some people write their Master thesis on custom 3D pathfinding solutions.

In any case, this has become obsolete, since UEFN introduced in-built custom NPC’s in latest versions, with own navigation… Well, Unless you want flying NPC’s.

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I have a use case for this. Would you perhaps open source your code and share it? I know it’s a big ask, but if you have no use for it maybe others do :). I’d be happy to optimise it too and improve on it and I’m sure others as well.

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I think of it. But if you have some budget for your project, we can also make a deal. DM me :slight_smile: