3D Pathfinding (Voxel ?)

Hello there ! I’m currently working on an audio propagation system (for occlusion & spatialization) and I am in need for a kind of 3D navmesh system.

I currently use a NavMesh & the Find Path to Location Synchronously node to find a path on my navmesh between my player character location and an actor location :

And I made a small code to have a debug arrow :

So I can easily visualize my path & a Linetrace between my Character and the other actor.

In the end I only need my path length, the linetrace length, and the 1st point (or the last one in LOS) of my path. After I got those values, I can compare them and do all my work in metasounds.
My system is currently working well, but there is a major issue…

I need to do the same thing but in 3D, since my path is actually using a NavMesh and is locked on the ground.

I think using the Voxel plug-in or DoNs one (I found a compatible 5.5 UE version) to draw the 3D path could be a good start but I’m not sure since I’m unfortunately not that of a good programmer…

Is there a simpler way to do that ?

If anyone come across this topic, any help would be greatly appreciated on how I could deal with this issue.
Hoping I was clear enough in my explanations !

Thank you very much in advance if someone takes the time to help.

Have a great day.