3d eye rotation following the mouse pointer (eye precisely looking at mouse pointer)

Right now i have created an actor blueprint which is the eye with render target camera and material for it, so it could update whenever it changes, i placed the eye in the world space away from the player start so it wouldnt be seen, i have an inventory widget which i placed the image material in so that it would display and follow the mouse pointer, the logic behind the rotation to follow the mouse pointer is done in the actor blueprint of the eye, i just cant figure out the math for it i have been trying to make this work for 3-4 days trying to increment the location of the widget where the eye image is located in and the world location where the eye model is, then placing it into the find look at rotation and with the event tick, updating the values with the set world rotation for the eye model, all screenshots are below, please for the love of god help me, am i stupid and missing something? i`ve been learning the engine for only 10 months now, there has to be a way, am i missing something?
