Hey guys! I was just looking for anyone with some extra time to do some 3d models for a short horror game I just started. I planned on working on it throughout my winter break but I had worked a LOT more than anticipated.
Here’s what I have so far, just a basic layout.
NOTE-I have absolutely no idea how that music got in there hahahaha
The level isn’t going to be massive, just a small confined area with a bit more than shown in the video.
(The cube is place holder for now)
I myself am actually an artist but don’t know anyone with UE4 skills.
I just need someone to help me fill the environment with simple objects
Beds… with restraints!, shelves, lamps, other things you might find in a mental hospital. tables, chairs, cameras, anything you got!
I still have a few small things I used for other projects and I re-texture too.
So if anyone is interested let me know!