3D design, workflow to ue5

Hello, I’ve been working in UE5, Blender, Zbrush, adobe 3D, DAZ, rokoko, and more software. I need a clear answer to a question that I have dumped over 2 years of my time trying to figure out. Every time I think I figure it out I am pushed off a metaphorical latter and starting fresh. Ive dumped hundreds of dollars of my own money into trying to figure this out. I even mow even in college. This question is annoying and frustrating.
Now the Question.
I make a 3D character, uv map, high poly low poly bake it, texture paint, rig and animate it than export into ue5.
The issue, my animations are absoluty choppy af, Blender blobs all my hard work. I am currently working in zbrush again in hopes that I can counter this blob issue, I need to know how to rig my zbrush character whithout sending it into blender for rigging and animation. I’ve bought books that over complicate the crap out of this going on about 7 chapters saying use blender dont use blender use mya dont use mya etc. I just want to start making a game already, I just need to import a character into unreal and it look the way i designed it to, I need to know if I can attach a rig to the character without a 3rd party program and if I have to which software is best for this.
-zbrush 3D character
-high poly bake in quixle or adobe
-rig in blender- rokoko- mixamo
-import to ue5

  • code inputs, anims. Play
    I have done this process 3x now it works. Its choppy and blobby but it works. I need to know how to make a better rig or control rig in ue5. If someone for the love of god could just post a link a book refrence a class, anything please I have literally done everything from start to finish like Im crawling in the pages of a dictionary written in a foreign language.
    Help would be much appreciated thank you for your time.

Hi Eddvohnvex, Welcome to the Forums,

For the choppy animations: You’re saying they’re smooth in Blender and then choppy in UE? I’m not familiar with the pipeline, but this sounds like it could be fixed with an import or export setting. (Something like number of keyframes/positions per second)

Not sure what you mean by Blobby, posting before/after pics could help people see the problem.

Hi @Eddvohnvex! Welcome welcome!

I’m going to back up @Astrotronic here and ask for something additional. With animations in particular, a video can REALLY help get a clear vision of a problem. If you could take a video of the animation in blender, and then it playing in UE5 plus a picture of your export settings, that could help us narrow down the issue quite a bit!

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