Looking for a team member to develop a game project. This is our second project, the first being a business line application via Unreal Engine. This project will have 2 parties, at this time, and the scope of this project is ambitious but not large of an undertaking as far as workload expectation.
There is a fairly large amount of concept art for the game already complete, including environments, iconography, characters, and weapons. We have great reference material some of which is of an outstanding quality that isn’t exactly meant to be matched for our in-game purposes.
The ideal candidate would have management skills to fulfil and broaden their capacity in their role as a party in the royalty / revenue sharing contractual terms. Meaning fulfilment of obligations is all that matters not necessarily that you do the work yourself just as long as non-disclosure is respected. (obviously this can be a touchy subject if time constraints of the project are overdue, someone is working then quits, so the lifetime of this will be until we have a demonstration of the game project. Then we will continue from there in terms of capital.)
For now however, you must be able to relate your personal situation into language that clearly defines your ability to fulfill a Royalty / Revenue Sharing contract. (ex. I am a privileged person, this is a serious all day hobby of mine, I work from dusk to dawn it’s really all I do) Realistically however being able to generate content as fast as it can be used to an extent, and in a way that promotes the project development. (ex. building up 1 asset instead of 3 different assets and then locking up work for someone else until you get back to it)
It will take several days to evaluate and digest the work that is prepared for the project. I am interested on your initial reaction to the content and also an ability to prepare a developed plan of action that encompasses personal proficiency, things such as ability to implement engine features, to enhance content or polish it in a way that brings it into a look that is state of the art.
This isn’t going to be a salary, this will be a contract for ownership of revenue generated. There is no company only the parties involved. I have a strong background in the gaming community, the business experience to be successful, and the competitive nature to take my share.
Ultimately I will want to know your confidence in the project after we’ve gone though the content and talked about development. Also that between the proficiencies of the parties we can cover all aspects of what is needed for development of the product demo or if we can realistically get to that point in short time.
Please message here or email: ethansams@outlook.com