Hello people!
I’m looking for a 3D artist interested in collaborating on my latest project. It’s a survival horror game somewhat inspired by Silent Hill, a bit of Resident Evil, and even some American Horror Story. It will hopefully fill the hole that the recently cancelled Silent Hills has left.
My background is actually in Film/Visual Effects, but I’m currently on a break from it in order try my hand at game development. I just can’t sit by while the Survival Horror Genra fades into obscurity.
I started using UE4 3 weeks ago and I’ve been working on this for a about two weeks. It’s already playable (if short). All the major features I wanted in the game are there, albeit some are there as placeholders. Such as the note system. To give you a sense of progress I’ll quickly reel off the features that have been implemented. Omitting the obvious like movement etc…
True FPS character, sprint…
Flashlight with battery value and HUD widget, also events to make it flicker or die
Doors, locks, keys and interactive environmental basic stuff (such as a piano or a switch)
Objective System (volume blueprint, linked to a value in the player BP)
Hint system, similar to objective system except fire and forget.
Perception Based AI creature with EQS, she’ll wander around until she sees an enemy pawn you or hears something before running at them (she has an attack state in the enum and a state machine to work with it but I’m yet to implement an actual attack, she just awkwardly runs into the player at this point)
A dictaphone that emits static whenever you are near an enemy or when there’s some spooky sh*t going down.
A note system, exposed text value draws onto a parchment texture, this is a place holder though, I want an in world 3D interaction system, which I will get on very soon
There was an inventory aswell. But I scrapped it as I wanted a 3D space inventory which I’m currently working on.
What do I want? … Well I want a talented artist, to join me on this project. Someone that can craft modular environmental 3D assets as well as props. I can handle the coding, blueprints, level design, sound design and everything else, but as hard as I try I am not a 3D artist, so I need help. I have exhausted my use of paid assets from the asset store, so I find myself at an impass. Nobody likes playing a game and walking past the same **** bookshelf a hundred times.
I have a clear idea in my mind as to where the game is going and what narrative it follows. So if you need to know anymore please ask.
I intend on putting the game through Greenlight, because why not? It’ll be a good game. I hope that you will be able to help.
I’ve attatched a bunch of media below, a short announcement teaser I’ll be using to announce it on Halloween next week, and a bunch of stills I took while playing. I wouldn’t expect you to show interest without anything interesting to look at of course