(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Hi ,
I understand you must be incredibly busy, any chances you’ll update your Gamepad-Friendly UMG plugin to 4.15.1?

I already provide you with the nodes to do that :slight_smile:

Remember, my goal is to empower everyone in the UE4 Community via C++ with Victory BP Library!

(I didn’t include config but I have updated the plugin, when I release next version it will be in there.)

You could recreate it though using Append, from Saved directory, and then Config and then platform like WindowsNoEditor, ie, …/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor

Verify the file structure on your server and then you can use string Append from Saved dir node which I provide.


Victory Ed Engine 4.15 !

@, yes here is perfect place to ask as I consider Victory Ed Engine (Vertex Snapping  & Instanced Static Mesh Editor) part of Victory Plugin, separate since it is editor-only :)

Victory Ed Engine 4.15 For you!

Vertex Snapping!

Instanced Static Mesh Editor (right in Level Viewport)!

Please note is a full 4.15 project, and includes Victory Plugin because I need VictoryISM to enable the ISM editor to work in packaged game (runtime plugin module required).

See Edit->Project Settings for more info! You can choose your own ISM C++ class there any , BP-created ISM class wont work ( at least not the last I checked)


@Thank you very much. That was pretty quick. I’m gonna start updating now.

Thank you for sharing your research!


Ahh good idea!


Gamepad UMG 4.15 !

Here you go @Joure!

Dear Community,

Here is gamepad UMG for 4.15!

is a full project you can play with!



That was fast. You rock, thanks !!!


I’m under a very tight deadline to convert a project with a lot of ISMs into individual interactive objects (subject to performance). I can hit the deadline if I could have selected a static mesh actor and “replace actor with selected in content browser.” But the project I was handed contains a ton of ISMs, obviously that process doesn’t work when I’m trying to replace an instance of a static mesh inside an ISM with an interactive Actor. Copying and pasting transforms is so slow and painful and there are so, so many to convert.

What I really need is a tool where I can select an ISM actor and break it into individual static mesh actors, preserving transforms. Then replace some SM instances with my interactive actors. Then select the remainder and recompose them back into an ISM actor.

Before I burn precious investigating the Victory plugin, does anyone know if or any other tool can solve my problem? (I’m in Unreal 4.15)

that works for mobile(ios + android). but there are some functions which is only for desktop. so u have to put those inside proper pre-processor.
also u have to add in plugins white space list.

hi , does anyone know how to get to compile with Linux? I’m using it to pass custom strings for stuff like server name ect but it doesn’t seem to build with Linux?

Hi , just a small with your Get/Set custom configs nodes. They work well but if I manually change a setting in the ini file it seems the change doesn’t propagate until I restart the editor. I take it the settings must be cached at editor load , that being said, if you write values using your nodes the changes seem to stick. Is there a way to refresh these cached values using another ‘refresh ini’ node or something like that?


The answers you seek lie in ConfigCacheIni.h and .cpp :slight_smile:

I see how to update individual section from memory to file:

	 * Update a single property in the config file, for the section that is specified.
	CORE_API bool UpdateSinglePropertyInSection(const TCHAR* DiskFilename, const TCHAR* PropertyName, const TCHAR* SectionName);

But you want to go the other way :slight_smile:

Closest thing I can find to what you want is

static bool LoadGlobalIniFile(FString& FinalIniFilename, const TCHAR* BaseIniName, const TCHAR* Platform=NULL, bool bForceReload=false, bool bRequireDefaultIni=false, bool bAllowGeneratedIniWhenCooked=true, const TCHAR* GeneratedConfigDir = *FPaths::GeneratedConfigDir());

How about you run a few tests, or poke around in the engine code, and see if you can find an example of reloading an ini from disk? Then I could add that code to Victory Plugin :slight_smile:


Hee hee!


Hi !

First of thanks very much for wonderful plugin.

I’m using your “File IO Save String Array to File” and realized that there’s no way to clear the file once it’s created. In other words, it always appends new data to the existing file content. ¿Could you add a “Clear/Append” boolean input pin to node? That would be great!

Keep up the good work!

Hi again, ! I use your fantastic blueprint node Victory Create Process.
Actually, I run a c# program that updates game files via ftp(download images from server to game folder).
I can pass args and check is program steel working or not.
But, is there way to get result (simply get code like 0 or 1). I know that is not very good, but it is pretty efficient method:)
If there any way to get result, please, let me know!
And again, thanx for plugin!:heart:

Hi ,

Thanks for the plugin:D

I get an error when packaging to win64. I’m using ue4 4.15.1 release from github.
The problem happens when nativization is on during packaging. Works ok when it is disabled.

Plugins\VictoryPlugin\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.h(39): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ImageWrapper.h': No such file or directory

and I get warning (not sure if it is related)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: g:\code\github\ue4_release\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Containers/EnumAsByte.h(19): warning C4996: 'TEnumAsByte_EnumClass<true>': TEnumAsByte is not intended for use with enum classes - please derive your enum class from uint8 instead. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: g:\code\github\ue4_release\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Containers/EnumAsByte.h(10): note: see declaration of 'TEnumAsByte_EnumClass<true>''



I get the same as Sarlack – blueprint nativization fails on packaging. I was able to replicate by creating a blank project, and dropping any victory node in a bp. using standard epic nodes it works fine.

Would be great if you could get it to work!

Cheers, LZ

Hello ,

first of thank you very much for the great plugin!

I’ve one question regarding the “Download Image” node.
Currently it returns a Texture 2DDynamic reference which unfortunately can’t be hooked up to let’s say the “Victory Get Pixels Array from T2D” node which requires a Texture 2D reference.
However I’ve seen people doing exactly that here: Social Network Plugin (Facebook) - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums
It doesn’t seem to work anymore on UE 4.15 though

Do you know what the problem is here? or how I can read the pixel data from the texture returned by the “Download Image” node?

Thanks for your help in advance!

I’ve just found out that Epic changed the return value in a Bugfix on 4.15

Do you plan to update your “Victory Get Pixels Array from T2D” to accomodate ? It would be super usefull!

Hey there , I just had a real quick question. I’m utilizing your BP plugin for a project of mine and I just have to say that it’s been a fantastic help so far. However, I have a small; whenever I use the “load texture” nodes to load an image from the local PC for use as an ingame texture, the texture has the default trilinear filtering. Even when using the available nodes in the editor to change the compression settings, filtering settings, etc. the texture remains trilinearly filtered. is an as I need the textures to be filtered to the nearest neighbor, but also loaded at runtime. Is there any solution or perhaps a fix so that I can use plugin in my project without having to sacrifice the nearest texture filtering method?

Image wrapper is in the build CS of Victory Plugin:

			new string]
				"UMG", "Slate", "SlateCore",

So I dont understand why nativization is not recognizing , and adding the ImageWrapper module during nativization of your project. Sounds like an engine bug to me related to nativization + plugins because I am not sure** how to tell the Nativization process to include additional modules beyond including them in the plugin build cs that needs them.**

Does anyone have any ideas?