(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

You are welcome and thanks for the detailed log information!

Crash when in constructor is here:

FTexture2DMipMap& MyMipMap 	= T2D->PlatformData->Mips[0];

What that tells me is that the texture you are referring to in your constructor has not been fully initialized during the constructor script when packaging is occurring.

In general I don’t recommend doing operations on UObjects within your constructor if it involves reading or writing low level engine data.

I can only recommend moving your code out of the constructor and into Begin Play, as that is better coding practice in general to avoid these kind of errors and I also don’t know how to work around the assertion.

For Stability and Happiness I recommend Begin Play :slight_smile:


Victory Plugin is taking too much space in our mobile game: Installed size: 6.63MB - Compressed download size: 1.42MB

is also increasing launch of the game.

I think we should write a script that detects unused Victory functions in the blueprints then removes them from the Victory Plugins headers. Do you have any idea to implement in an easier way?

can you please make a 4.14.3 version the 4.14.1 version wont work and wont recompile for me. I Thank you for your .

Hello, I purchased your Save System Plugin, wich is Not bad, but when i use Save Load From File( “Blutilities”,with Level Name ) it’s not loading the the Items Back to the Given Levels,
I don’t know if is by design, but it’s not very functional than,if I decide to Save Actors From the given Level Again…
Also Do you know mayby how to make:
a) “Make Current” wich is an Editor Command in “Levels” (For Given Level)( would solve the problem above,because when changing make current to my wanted level than the “Load” is working)
b)Change Actors Level Ownership

Thanks, ! will Looky!

@We need some type of voice capture component or node that you can feed into a audio component, would be a great :D.

Welcome to the forums lixx3r! Actually I don’t have the hardware to do a mobile port at the moment, maybe someone else would like to do that? If so let me know!

I’d recommend just extracting the parts you need into a smaller plugin, rather than trying to write a script to modify the existing Victory plugin.


You’re welcome Keltar, nice to see you on the forums!


That’s an interesting idea! I will think about that :slight_smile: I’d think someone would have tapped into UE4’s push to talk voice recording functionality to offer by now :slight_smile:


Dear Community,

If you didnt know, I offer you a node that allows you to always know if your game is the foreground window in your end user’s OS!

You can track bool on a timer to know when the user has tabbed out of the game, and then when they tab back in!

You can use knowledge to display messages, pause single player games, or throttle usage of resources if your game is no longer in the foreground!

Just another way to write polite and resource-efficient software, for you, from me! :slight_smile:

**Performance Improvement**

I am very happy to announce I've vastly improved my internal implementation of  ndoe!

My code went from :

**old version**


//Iterate Over Actors
	UWorld* TheWorld = NULL;
	for ( TObjectIterator<AActor> Itr; Itr; ++Itr )
		TheWorld = Itr->();
		if (TheWorld) break;
	//Get Player
	ULocalPlayer* VictoryPlayer = 

	if (!VictoryPlayer) return false;
	//get view port ptr
	UGameViewportClient * VictoryViewportClient = 
		Cast < UGameViewportClient > (VictoryPlayer->ViewportClient);
	if (!VictoryViewportClient) return false;
	FViewport * VictoryViewport = VictoryViewportClient->Viewport;
	if (!VictoryViewport) return false;
    return VictoryViewport->IsForegroundWindow();


to !

**new version!**


bool UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::ClientWindow__GameWindowIsForeGroundInOS()
  return FPlatformProcess::IsThisApplicationForeground();


The latter is very efficient to call frequently and is operating system independent just like the first version.


4.15 Build (HTML5, win32, win64, editor, dev packaged, and shipping)

:heart: Please note I now use the UE4 Marketplace C++ Plugin Standard when packaging Victory plugin for you :heart:

  1. Win64 Development
  2. Win64 Shipping <~~~~~~ NEW!
  3. Win32 Development
  4. Win32 Shipping
  5. HTML5 Development
  6. HTML5 Shipping <~~~~~~ NEW!

Please see my instructions for Packaging UE4 Plugins With Your Game.

**Prior Engine Versions**

**4.12: **http://www.mediafire.com/download/g441k2815r5b045/VictoryPlugin12.zip

**4.11: **http://www.mediafire.com/download/jp91b9atphm2obt/VictoryPlugin11.zip

**4.13: **https://www.mediafire.com/?7kt9fepwa1pgs0y

**4.14: ** http://www.mediafire.com/file/7915cuk19c3nbfw/VictoryPlugin14.zip

Donations can be sent to me via:


Yep but sadly no one has yet and a lot of people would use it so lets hope will give it some :heart: :D.

Hello , I want to know do you have any suggestion to show a menu in just desktop window when player is in VR mode ? I want to render an UMG in desktop window not in HMD…
Something like attached image.
Thank you…

I made a question :

Thank you so much for your response.
We do not plan to port our project from 4.14 to 4.15. I will check your link.
Get back to you soon. :slight_smile:

Hi. I will really appreciate if you will update plugin on Github! For some reason I can’t get access to the Mediafire:(

I try Native blueprint package option in 14.3, but failed.
log says victory plugin needs, but without NBA option, package success.
victory plugin is in engine/plugin/marketplace and works fine.
only fail in NBA option packaging.
do you have a idea?

I can use his ‘Load String Array From File’, problem being is that you have to include the full path e.g C:\files\mytext.txt I need it to only look in the config folder of the server and not a full path…its the only thing stopping a ban system right now. Does anyone have any other solutions?

Not working for 1.15 :frowning: Saying it’s not compitiable with the current engine version. I can’t downgrade. and I don’t use C++ and don’t want to install it does anyone else already have a compiled version of the new 1.15

Here you got bud.


Thank you :slight_smile: +1 Like

Plugin is up to date on github now :slight_smile:

Can you prepare a sample project with only a little bit of blueprints, that has the you are describing, and post a link?

Have you tried in 4.15?


Hello , I want to know do you have any suggestion to show a menu in just desktop window when player is in VR mode ? I want to render an UMG in desktop window not in HMD...
Something like attached image.
Thank you...

Sounds like you need a separate instance of the game / a different program in order to do that, because you want a viewport other than the gameviewport which is what the HMD is looking at :)

I dont understand the problem you are having, here is my latest link:

4.15 Build (HTML5, win32, win64, editor, dev packaged, and shipping)

I just downloaded from link myself, and tested in a new 4.15 BP-only project, it loaded just fine :slight_smile:


Dunno if is the correct place to ask, but since I didn’t find a topic dedicated to it, I’ll place my question here:

Is there any updated version of Victory Ed Engine (The snap vertex editor)? I’ve been using the 4.14 version but I’d like to update to 4.15.1 but I can find is “The lastest version available: 4.14” to download.


Thank you i found that we can show totally different screen in mirror window from the VR HMD, is in SteamVRRender, it’s easy to edit even we can show blank screen in mirror window…