(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Hey , wouldn’t it be possible for other people to download UE4, make assets, cook them and THEN load the .uassets into the game (instead of importing the .fbx)?

That is an awesome question! I wanna know that too!
Maybe there is a certain certificate or base empty project that it need to be exported from.
I don’t mind including that project files as long as they don’t contain any of the game assets in it.

I’ve followed 's instructions for installing plug-in to the letter. In the editor, I get the nodes and I can test it - it works fine.
However, when I build the project for Windows, I get error: Failed to open descriptor file ‘…/…/…/mygame/mygame.uproject’

When I uninstall the plug-in, I can build the project and play it fine.
Any ideas how to fix ?

I just upgraded to the 4.8 source version but now whenever I package the game, it says VictoryPlugin failed to load because the module could not be found. I am using the latest version of the plugin and never happened before in the 4.7.6 source version. Any help would be appreciated.

how can I use’s plugin in C++ code?

Are you sure you get it when you pack and not when you build(compile) the project in visual studio?

Add “VictoryBPLibrary” to the modules array in your projectName.Build.cs inside your source folder
(Example: C:\ProjectName\Source\ProjectName.Build.cs).
it Supposed to look something like :

        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "VictoryBPLibrary", "UMG", "Slate", "SlateCore" ,"AIModule"});

And then when you want to use it, just add header on the top of your cpp file:

#include "MyBlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"

Yes as of 4.8 they have added support for you to be able to add both patch content as well as DLC content! The point that is fuzzy for me is whether people wanting to add content will need the entire original project, which means the original Dev needs to be willing to share the entirety of their project (which doesnt seem likely for a commerical game).

Epic had mentioned " packs" in an earlier release, I wonder if packs can more easily be used in any project as opposed to patchs/DLC that are indended to extend some original project.

The question is whether packs can be used by a packaged game!

Very interesting request, I’ll have to work on that!


Thanks for helping out with question answering!


Two AI Nodes For You

**Get Closest Actor Of Class In Radius of Location

Get Closest Actor of Class In Radius of Actor**

These nodes are great for use with AI calculations!

**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.91 mb) **

Victory Plugin on Media Fire

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.



Live as of May 1st, 2015

Dear Community,

I have the May Celebration node release for you today!

Community member has gifted us with over 30 new BP nodes for Math, Physics, and 3D Geometry calculations!

I highlighted my personal favorite nodes in green!

**UMG Anchor Conversion**
Please note you can now convert UMG Anchor coordinates to other coordinate spaces!

Snap To 3D Grid
You can use the Snap Node to snap any 3D space Vector to a grid size of your choosing!

So you could use node to to regulate the position of an in-game 3D positioning tool (like for RTS Games!) to a grid of your choosing, while still accounting for rolling hills of landscapes and big vertical differences!

**Convert Physics Linear Velocity**

Ever wonder how fast in **Km/hr** an in-game Unreal Engine physics ball was hurling through the air?

Ever want to know the **meters/second** speed of a falling physics-simulating box?

Or how about the **miles/hour** of your UE4 Physics Vehicle?

Well thanks to 's new node you can now easily convert the value that you get from GetPhysicsLinearVelocity of any physics-simulating body to a speed in the units of your choosing!

Here's is 's current list of available conversions!


/* Speed Units Enum. */
enum ESpeedUnit
	/* Centimeter / second (cm/s).  is default unreal velocity unit. */

	/* Foot / second (ft/s). */

	/* Meter / second (m/s). */

	/* Meter / minute (m/min). */

	/* Kilometer / second (km/s). */

	/* Kilometer / minute (km/min). */

	/*Kilometer / hour (km/h). */

	/* Mile / hour (mph). */

	/* Knot (kn). Nautical mile per hour. */

	/* Mach (speed of sound) (M) at standard atm. */

	/* Speed of light. */

	/* Yard / second. */


BP Nodes for 3D Geometric Analysis!

Here are pics showing the complete list of the new 3D Geometry Nodes!

To see the full list, get the latest version of my plugin and type in “TK” and you will see the 30+ new nodes available to you!

**Thank You!**

**Thank you  for your contribution!**

These nodes are going to be extremely useful for a lot of people !

**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.91 mb) **

**Victory Plugin on Media Fire**

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking  link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.




Get Bones Below Bone


node returns the bones that are below the given bone in the Skeleton bone hierarchy!

**My C++ Code For You!**

I used a recursive function to traverse the skeleton tree and get  child bones, starting from the Starting Bone!


static int32 **GetChildBones**(const FReferenceSkeleton& ReferenceSkeleton, int32 ParentBoneIndex, TArray<int32> & Children)

	const int32 NumBones = ReferenceSkeleton.GetNum();
	for(int32 ChildIndex=ParentBoneIndex+1; ChildIndex<NumBones; ChildIndex++)
		if ( ParentBoneIndex == ReferenceSkeleton.GetParentIndex(ChildIndex) )

	return Children.Num();
static void **GetChildBoneNames_Recursive**(USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMeshComp, int32 ParentBoneIndex, TArray<FName>& ChildBoneNames)
	TArray<int32> BoneIndicies;  
	GetChildBones(SkeletalMeshComp->SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton, ParentBoneIndex, BoneIndicies);
	if(BoneIndicies.Num() < 1)
		//Stops the recursive skeleton search
	for(const int32& BoneIndex : BoneIndicies)
		FName ChildBoneName = SkeletalMeshComp->GetBoneName(BoneIndex);
		GetChildBoneNames_Recursive(SkeletalMeshComp, BoneIndex,ChildBoneNames);

int32 UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::**GetAllBoneNamesBelowBone**( USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMeshComp, FName StartingBoneName,  TArray<FName>& BoneNames )
	if(!SkeletalMeshComp || !SkeletalMeshComp->SkeletalMesh)
		return -1;
	int32 StartingBoneIndex = SkeletalMeshComp->GetBoneIndex(StartingBoneName);
	GetChildBoneNames_Recursive(SkeletalMeshComp, StartingBoneIndex, BoneNames);
	return BoneNames.Num();


**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.92 mb) **

**Victory Plugin on Media Fire**

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking  link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.




I had included a function to read console variables on my post with the math functions :stuck_out_tongue:

would allow you to read the current value of sg.ShadowQuality for example, is that what you meant John Alcatraz?

I don’t know if it works in a packaged game though, a better method might be required.

Thanks for that !

I will see about integrating those at my next opportunity


is perfect for editing config files now. :slight_smile:

is brilliant!
Thanks for the hard work.

Should work with http?

None of my URLs for PNGs work, it only works with local file paths, even though a link in thread through claims it does:

Hi, is great! Any of unlocking for the EQ settings in a Sound Mix as well? :slight_smile: would be perfect for dynamic audio filtering through BP.

Hello, i would like to ask you, how did you attach the weapon to the ragdoll’s hand without having it jitter/lag behind it? Because when i try to attach a static mesh to a skeletal mesh’s bone socket with physics enabled, the static mesh wobbles around like it’s not properly attached or having some delay, i’ve been searching everywhere for a solution for for days, but i just can’t find anything on google or anywhere, please you’re my only hope! ;_;

Hey, I’m trying to use the server travel node to do a async map change where a UMG widget is playing throughout the load.
The level loads fine, but my widget stops playing during the load every (then resumes when the new level is loading)

Is there some trick to getting to work properly? It seemed really straightforward but I’m having no luck.

Thanks, I’m loving the plugin btw, so much great stuff!

Great to hear from you Isaac!

Can you explain / show a pic of exactly which settings you would like exposed to runtime BP modification?


I wil have to do a thorough test of the state of things in 4.8 and then get back to you on ! I am glad you are enjoying my plugin!


Http involves internet connection which necessarily always involves async calculations (have to wait to receive the data, can’t proceed instantly). means that things involving live internet connection have to be in a special class or actor component, and can’t be a static node in my BP library.

It is a very nice goal though, to be able to download image from a website, and I shall work on it when I can :slight_smile:

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome to the forums !

Are you saying the weapon jitters only when the character is actively ragdolling, or the weapon jitters even when running around prior to ragdoll ?

Have fun today everyone!


It’s only during ragdoll, when the skeletal mesh is using animations, everything works perfectly fine, the static mesh is perfectly attached to the bone socket. :confused:
P.S. Impressed to see that you still reply to comments after 960+ replies ^^

BTW I’m on 4.7 :slight_smile: