**Two New BP Nodes
Get and set Full Screen Mode Using Convenient Enum!**
node lets you choose between regular full screen, which involves that brief black screen and then the switch to absolute fullscreem,
and windowed full screen, which most people prefer these days!
There’s a slightly mysterious third option in list because it is still in Epic’s code base, which is Windowed Full Screen High Quality. The only comment in Epic’s code base is that HQ windowed full screen can cause some performance issues while switching, or something like that.
In any case, I am providing you with 3 options to experiment with as you wish!
After setting the Full Screen type you will still have to use console command -> “setres 1920x1080f” where f means fullscreen, if your window is not full screen already!
**'s Joy Graphics Library**
node is a sneak peak at the Graphics Library I prepared for Solus and would like to post on the marketplace as soon as plugins are being accepted by Epic for the marketplace.
PS: node brought to you by Isaac's request:
[QUOTE=Isaac Nichols;140821]
Hi ,
How simple would it be to create a function that lets you get the current screenmode. There are 3 screen modes that I believe exist 0 - 1 and 2. It would be nice to check the screen mode against a function grabbing the correct info, because the current fullscreen command seems to get lost and sometimes cycles through the 3 options. Maybe an enum so you can check against it and toggle to the next mode.