Create Blackboard: BB_AITEST with a key type object: TargetToFollow
Create Behavior Tree: BT_AITEST and
set BB_AITEST as blackboard
Create Ai controller:
TPC_AIController, add a run behavior
tree node set with BT_AITEST after
Event beginplay
Duplicate the third person character
and remove all code in eventgraph
blueprint: TPCAI, set
TPC_AIController as AI Controller
Class in properties.
Create BTS_GetTargetToFollow and
BTD_IsNearToPlayer (see attached
Add behaviors tree nodes as show in
the attached pictures,
BTD_IsNearToPlayer should be set on
abort self.
Place an AI character in the map and
a nav bound volume.
Run the game, if you go away from
the AI, you’ll notice it the AI will
wait until the end of wait time
before moving toward the player:
abort self not working.
If you change the abort to self
directly in the BTD_IsNearToPlayer
blueprint properties, it works and
the AI follow you as soon as you go
too far away.